Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ready or not!

After more than two years of waiting and wheel-spinning and preparation and prayer, the time has come! Jennifer and I leave on September 14 for an 11-day whirlwind trip to India! As of now, I've scheduled time off from work, amazing grandparents are set to live in our house and handle the kids' schedules, our passports and visas are in hand, and we are booking in-country travel plans.

Many of you have asked if there are ways to help - there are two things that you can do for us.
First, please pray for us! Final preparations for travel are on the way, and while we're there we will be on a tight schedule.  We will be spending time in Chennai, Ongole, Kadiri, villages in Andhra Pradesh, Bangalore, Agra and Delhi, traveling on planes, trains, buses, cabs and on foot. We hope to meet hundreds of fascinating people and get to know many beautiful kids in Bangalore and Ongole.  We will stay in homes and churches and will be worshipping and preaching with some amazing people. This will be a first-time experience for us, and we need lots of energy. Pray for travel, health, energy and for God to show his love and grace to the people we meet!

Second, consider helping us take shoes to the kids in the Hanna Krupa church in Bangalore and the HIV+ kids' home in Ongole.  We are looking for new shoes of all kids' sizes - sandals for girls and sneakers for boys.  We will also be taking donations to purchase shoes in India if we don't have enough of the right sizes.  I'll post again soon with details.

More soon -

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